10 years ago today…..not only were we all that little bit younger, but after 3 months of planning, completing paperwork and mutually deciding how best we can make a difference on a smaller much more personal basis to other larger charities, we launched The Eve Merton Dreams Trust.
The charity was formed after Eve Merton (Martin’s mum), lost her hard fought battle with metastasised Level 4 Ovarian Cancer, on Monday 17th January 2011.
Taking on board Martin’s previous charity experience with events & fundraising, coupled with Clynton’s desire to help others, the decision was made to use their experiences of the disease and try to make people smile.
If we rewind a little further to a time during Eves own battle with Cancer, we find 2 actions that shaped the future of the charity:
In those 2 examples, the core of the charity was formed and at the Rotary Clubs Dragon Boat event in July 2011, we set out on a journey to make a difference to other local families and launched our little charity.
The desire was simple, to make a difference and help a patient & family smile…..with all their heart
THANK YOU – Our Charity has survived 10 years and helped 100’s of local families, not just on the desire of Martin & Clynton, but because of all of you!!
Our AMAZING volunteers who selflessly give up their own time all year round, not because they knew Eve (as most didn’t) but because they believed in our vision. For that, we cannot ever thank them enough with simple words.
AND YOU!!……Your ongoing support, fundraising, attending our events, spreading the word of the charity and helping us locate families in need.
We’ve been lucky enough to meet some incredible people in those 10 years, some of which with heartbreaking stories, but all with awe inspiring bravery in the face of such agony.
So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us. We look back on the last 10 years with pride and satisfaction, but our focus is now on the next 10 years and the positive difference we continue to make.