HR & Resource Manager – Primary school board of governors, Chair of resources and steering committee – Qualified interviewer – Lead Head Teacher performance manager
Who are we
We are a non-profit Doncaster Cancer Charity, set up and founded by Doncaster People to help Doncaster people.
Our aim
To help the people of Doncaster who are suffering with serious or terminally ill Cancer. The monies we raise will contribute towards patients & their families in fulfilling a dream or granting a wish, if only for a day.
Who was Eve Merton?
Eve was not a famous person or even an important person, she was a hardworking, compassionate, selfless, brave Doncaster woman who was struck down with this terrible disease. Her fight and determination to help others, even during her personal struggle, inspires us to do in her death as she did in life. Eve Merton was my mother and we do all of this in her name.
Ambassador of Eve Merton family
I’m Eve Merton’s daughter and I couldn’t be prouder. We’re a family originally from London but we have made Doncaster our home.
Me and my mum would go shopping together every week in the town but we particularly loved the Market where mum worked for many years before retiring. I miss my mum everyday and I know many other people do too.
In 2010/11 I watched my mum fight this terrible disease called Cancer, a fight she lost in January 2011. I will remember her for the great stuff she did in her community & and the way she lived her life. The Eve Merton’s Dreams Trust or Eves Trust as it’s become known is a group of family & friends that honours my mums memory by helping local people fight the fight that she faced.
Former NHS specialist – Registered Homecare Manager
My name is Denise Ridsdale and I have had the honour and pleasure of being associated with Eve Merton’s Dream Trust since 2011.
I first met Martin when he was introduced to me and my husband by my youngest daughter Joanne as her boyfriend, he came into our home back in 2010 with a big smile shook my husband’s hand and said hello, the usual niceties. Martin turned to me shook my hand and said, “nice to meet you mother”, the warmth and sincerity in those words meant so much and I knew Joanne and us as a family were on to a winner here.
I am currently employed as the Registered Manager for Drewdales Homecare Services which is a local based company providing excellent social/home care for adults 18 years and above in their own home. At the time I met Martin, I was employed as a Specialist Wound Care Nurse Practitioner at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
I knew from getting to know Martin over several months and talking with Martin that his mum (Eve Merton) was not in good health and fighting a battle with cancer for the last couple of years. I did not know Eve personally even though we all lived within the same area of Balby, Doncaster but we did have some mutual friends.
Then one day in November 2010, I received a request from a ward at Doncaster Royal Infirmary to review a lady with a wound that was failing to heal. I arrived on the ward and waiting outside the room was Martin, along with other members of his family. It soon became apparent that the patient I had come to see was Martins mum, Eve. I entered the room, introduced myself in my nursing capacity and then had the pleasure of introducing myself as Martin’s girlfriend’s mum, an unusual way to meet but an exceptional one for many reasons.
In that moment I saw that same warmth and sincerity that I witnessed on that first day I met Martin. This lady had great strength and character, she was proud of her family, proud of their achievements and most of all proud to be their mum. I was honoured to get to know Eve over the next couple of months, her determination and commitment to overcome this horrendous disease called Cancer was inspiring.
Sadly, Eve lost her fight with cancer in January 2011.
I have supported the charity, hands on, since the very early days. I’ve worked tombola stalls, sold raffle tickets, completed a Zumba marathon, sponsored people doing crazy things like jumping out of aeroplanes, to which I did draw the line. I’m also available in my role as Trustee to draw on my many years in the NHS, to offer professional advice surrounding individual cases and potential support for some of the families coming into the charity.
Martin very kindly asked me to represent EvesTrust as one of their Trustees, something I was delighted to accept. It was and still is an honour and privilege to be associated with this very important local charity. I’ve seen first-hand the dreams they have seen to fruition for many people, the special memories they have created for their families even though many of them have lost their own fight against cancer. Long may it continue.
Thank you Eve Merton for your legacy and the opportunity to be a part of it.
UK Estimating and Sales Support Manager
I have been a close friend of Martin’s for over 15 years and considered Eve not just my friend’s mum, but a friend in her own right. I saw first-hand the bravery with which she fought the disease and the dignity with which she carried herself right up until the end.
Like most people, I have also lost family members to cancer and having helped the Trust in small ways up to now, like running the Edinburgh Marathon and partaking in several of the events, I want to help the charity push on in any way I can (excluding the Skydive!).
Inspired by my good friends Martin, Clynt and all the EMDT team I am sure we can spread the message further still, raise more money – and most importantly, help as many people out there as possible.
I’m Alan Knowles, known to most as Knowlesy or Big Al. I was born and bred in Doncaster and proud to still call it my home, therefore this local charity means a lot to me. I have been lucky enough to participate in the annual Legends charity football match for several years running. Through this incredible event, I was able to gain a real insight into the fantastic work the Eve Merton Dreams Trust offers. I have also been able to experience first hand the real difference they can make to families, at such difficult times. I was delighted to be invited to join such a special local charity, as charity secretary. I hope to facilitate the ongoing wonderful work this charity does in and around Doncaster for the people of Doncaster.
It’s a privilege to join the EMDT family, especially after knowing Eve who the Charity is named after, when I was growing up in my high school days.
I’ve also been friends with Martin the Charities CEO for the majority of my life: it’s been amazing to witness from afar how far the Charity has come which was set up in his mother’s memory.
I hope by working with and for The Eve Merton Dreams Trust I too can help both the people of Doncaster and this fantastic organisation in there next step and the fight against cancer.
I am the youngest of Eve Merton’s 4 children, and in 2010/11 went through the gruelling experience of watching my mother lose her brave fight against Cancer. Sadly, my families story was an all too familiar one, there was nothing special about us or what we went through, but the memories and experiences we shared have since shaped my future and the future of The Eve Merton Dreams Trust.
Prior to mum’s illness I’d already been fundraising and organising events for other charities, leading to a “Community Champion” and “Pride of Doncaster” Awards in recognition for the £40,000+ I’d managed to raise. But during our families experience with Cancer it became very clear to me how the littlest things can make a real difference, and how people in the community can really come together for the aid of another.
So, in 2011, just months after my mother’s passing, myself and a close friend, Clynton Johnson, decided to start our own charity, focussing our efforts on local families going with the same negative impacts as we did. In particular, the two things that really stuck with me was the huge impact that something positive could make to both the patient and family.
Firstly, after 3 months of gruelling treatment and round the clock care in the Doncaster Royal Infirmary, the one time I remember my mum smiling was when a local charity provided a wig that looked exactly the same as my mum’s natural hair colour and style. For that moment, in that wig, she felt normal again. Like we’d taken her outside of her current situation and she was just Eve Merton again. The joy I saw in her eyes and the excitement in her voice will live with me forever……3 months of gruelling intense treatment vs. a simple wig, and that empowered her with positivity to continue her fight.
Secondly, my mum had been told she was now in end-of-life care and all she wanted to do was spend a final Christmas at home surrounded by her family. To do this however we needed various amounts of medical equipment and care, not all of which could be covered by the NHS, leaving us with well over £1000 to find to make Eve’s final Dream a reality. We reached out to national multi million pound charity, who had pages and pages of forms and red tape, only to tell us my mums story did not qualify as a high priority case…..
But, when news of this was shared, unbeknown to me, my work colleagues had raised all the money needed in a single day! So it wasn’t the multi million pound charity who made my mums final Dream come true. It was my colleagues, the community, the people of Doncaster who gave what they could afford, to make her final Christmas a Dream come true.
Now, in my mother’s name of “The Eve Merton Dreams Trust”, I strive to make those dreams come true for other local families. To help make a difference, and we do so with the support of that Doncaster community.
Hi, my name is Shiree and I am a registered mental health nurse (RMN) with 20 years experience in the field of mental health. I first started volunteering with Eves Trust in 2013 after I attended the first ever ‘Legends Game! I knew Clynton and Martin personally through friends, however sadly I’d never met Eve. I was fascinated at how much the charity was doing for others. Claire (Graham) and I knew each other and wanted to help however we could, so we spoke to our local school and started holding raffles at Christmas fares, creating competitions, and trying to raise funds for the charity. Since then, I have competed in a charity boxing match with my sister, I’ve skydived, competed in dragon boat racing, I’ve stood in schools and spoken to children about the charity and how they can help and I even spent my 30th birthday volunteering at the 2014 Legends game! My husband Jason and I have helped create countless dreams for people and I’m proud to say many of those people are now also friends. Our children Bailey and Aiden have grown up fundraising themselves and are both involved with supporting Evestrust, from being youth ambassadors for the Youth Group, to helping at events and with dreams, with Bailey having recently completing the skydive himself! Jason and I are now taking on more of an organisational leadership role and hope we can offer the other volunteers as much support as what we have received over the years.
The charity is an extended family, a family who wants to help those in need. And I am proud to be part of such a caring, wonderful, special family.
Hi, I’m Jason and I have supported Evestrust since 2013 along with my wife Shiree and our children. I am a registered mental health nurse with 17 year’s experience in mental health services. I have been involved in the creation of many dreams for people in Doncaster and helped with events and fundraising. More recently I have become involved with the social fundraising for Evestrust which is something I am excited to be able to do as well as taking on the role of Youth Group lead, something which I am passionate about.
I now offer support to other volunteers as well as taking on some of the organisational aspects to the charity with Shiree to support Martin and the board to continue creating dreams for those who need them.
My name is Lauren Hakin, also known as little loz to the charity. I am a mum of two, and I am always trying to lead by example to set footprints that both my children can follow on as they grow up; one of those being the key is to always do what you can for those around you with an open heart and a loving attitude. My journey started with Evestrust in 2017, I first became an events assistant, taking part in events such as the annual legends game, dragon boat race and many other amazing opportunity’s such as skydiving to raise funds for the charity with a fear of both heights and planes. This led me down a path of seeing exactly what the charity does, and gave me every reason to want to do more for the charity itself where I then became a volunteer officially (now Dreams Co-ordinator Lead) and fulfilling dreams for the people of Doncaster. I’ve learnt life can be terribly cruel, and it is an absolute honour to work beside my Evestrust family to continue making dreams come true for people of Doncaster.
My name is Baileigh-Jade and I’ve volunteered for The Eve Merton Dreams Trust for a few years now mainly helping at the annual legends event, Only recently getting more involved with things such as dreams. I chose to volunteer for Evestrust as I feel it’s a privilege to be a part in helping others making dreams come true for those who need it most! I’ve experienced losing people through cancer and seen the devastating effects the disease can have on people and their friends and family, so to be a part of helping give back to these people suffering with this is so rewarding. It has been an absolute pleasure to volunteer and be a part of the Evestrust family!
I began volunteering for Evestrust back in 2022 after the trust helped fulfil a dream of my son’s grandfather back in 2021. That dream has left lifelong memories that my son cherishes and speaks about most days. I learnt what the trust does isn’t only for the people who are ill but the families for them once they are gone the memories that have been created live on. When an opportunity came along to help with the caravan a dreams i knew this was my way, I could give families the same moments my son cherishes.
Hi I’m Gary Dixon, I was first introduced to EvesTrust when I became the partner of Gill Johnson. I have seen the charity flourish over the years and have had minor involvement and supported from the background. I am a joiner by trade and decided I would like to become a volunteer and offer my services, not just as a joiner/handyman but also for my well known skills for communicating with anyone and everyone !!!!! I think most people have been directly or indirectly affected by the effects of cancer, I’m just happy to be a part of helping to deliver dreams to create wonderful, happy memories.
So I’m sure you’ll see me hanging around at event stalls and helping deliver dreams, come and say hi I’m not as scary as I look.
Hi, my name is Teresa and I am a compliance administrator helping deliver rail safety courses. I have been in the rail industry for 30 years and have seen lots of changes.
I first started to volunteer for Eves Trust in 2016 after my mum passed away from cancer in 2015. The trust help put on a birthday party for my mum and I vowed that I would give my time to help out at a few events.
After suffering with my mental health following my mum’s passing I took some time off work and found my love for crafting. This has developed and I have now started to develop my art and go to craft fayre’s where all proceeds from them go to the charity to help them continue their amazing work.
I feel very privileged to be able to call all the volunteers friends and even more so my extended family.
I have worked at Doncaster Royal Infirmary for almost 30 years in an administrative capacity, with my recent role being that of Business Manager for a number of medical specialties. I am married with 2 grown up children who are also forging their careers in the NHS, with my daughter embarking on her final year as a student nurse.
Unfortunately, I lost my mum to cancer nearly 5 years ago to cancer. Whilst she had a very short battle with the disease before passing, she was also a cancer survivor following intensive treatment in the 1980s. I know firsthand, sadly as many now do, how living with cancer and losing a loved one can impact the whole family unit.
Over the last 7 years I have supported several causes, such as Macmillan, St John’s Hospice, Barnsley Hospice, Diabetes Centre (DRI), through fundraising. Majority of this has been done through sewing items and selling them (make-up bags, face masks etc ). In the last 18 months I have run two half marathons for Dementia UK.
I came across Eve’s Trust whilst working with our fabulous Chatsfield team at DRI and participated in the Walk of Dreams from Weston Park to DRI in the summer. This was an amazing day and felt wonderful to be supporting such a fantastic charity.
My name is Hanif. I am married with 2 very cheeky children.
Back in April 2019 I decided it was time for me and my children to do something for the community and do some voluntary work. This is when I contacted Clynton Johnson to ask if he knew of anywhere we could volunteer and help out. This is when Clynton welcomed us with open arms and suggested the Legends Game 2019. This is when it all started. The buzz from the voluntary work I did gave me the drive to do more for the charity. I then decided I wanted to do more for the EvesTrust in my own time from home. I now make home made reed diffusers and for every sale I donate to the EvesTrust.
The work that the EvesTrust do day in and day out is amazing and inspiring. It has been an absolute honour to volunteer and donate to the trust. The charity is close to my heart and it’s a privilege to be part of the EvesTrust family. I look forward to the next Legends day and future events. Let’s keep the charity growing and making dreams come true.
Hi, my name is Keely, baby sister to Shiree. Since my sister has been involved with the charity, I have been in awe of the work she, and all the other volunteers do and the charities ability to help people when they need it most.
Over the years I have helped out at the odd event, with dreams and even completed a charity boxing match to raise funds for the charity. Now my daughter is getting older I have decided to volunteer on an official basis to be a part of a team that makes a huge difference to families around the city. My daughter has also joined the charities youth group and we are both excited to begin our journeys with Eves Trust.
Director & Lead Photographer of “Andrew Kelly Photography”
Hi, I’m Andrew Kelly and I’m excited about joining the Eve Merton team providing photography for the dreams they fulfill and the fundraising events that make them possible. From picking up a camera last year photography has very quickly taken over my life, to the point where I feel it won’t be long until I can make it a full time career.
I first heard of the Eve Merton Dreams Trust when a family friend suggested I helped out with the photography at the Legends football match in May. I felt so proud being part of a team that raised thousands of pounds for a charity focused on something that has affected so many, including my own family and friends. It’s also the way that the charity engages with the community through it’s events which I find special, not only do the Trust’s supporters get to share in the knowledge that they’re helping a noble cause, they’re having a great time while they do!
Photographer & Volunteer at Eve Merton Dreams Trust
Charity, truth and brotherly love are my core principles and to become the best person I can be is my life goal.
I feel grateful to help those less fortunate than myself and through Eves Trust I am able to do this readily as they provide support for local people suffering from cancer and also give support the families of these people in their Doncaster based charity.
Having lost my mother and several friends to cancer I can see the pain it brings to all those effected. It truly is an awful disease but charities like Eve Merton Dream Trust do bring some respite to those in need. It is humbling to be around such a selfless team of caring folk.
Having worked as a photographer for 30 years in the area, I feel it is a great thing to also give something back to the community that has supported me.
Thank you & best wishes
Hi, my names Bailey and I’ve been part of the charity all my life as my parents (shiree and Jason) were original members. I have supported every legends game, skydived and did a sponsored bike ride when I was young, all to raise money for the charity. I was a member of the youth group when created, then became an official volunteer when I turned 18. This charity is one big family and welcomes everyone, including me, with big smiles. It’s an honour to be a part of the team and I’m looking forward to what the future brings
My name is Claire Louise Graham I am 27 years old . I am happily married to my soul mate Scott and I am a full time mum to our four young children. I have lived in Doncaster all of my life.
Sadly Cancer has affected a lot of people who I care about deeply and one person in particular who is very important to me. The Eve Merton Dreams Trust is an amazing charity, When someone is diagnosed with Cancer it’s not just physically that they are affected. The sadness and devastation it causes is beyond describable and this charity creates some happiness for people who really deserve it. It creates an everlasting happy memory, so that in the middle of all the pain and hurt they can smile. To be part of such an wonderful heart-warming charity is a complete honour.
Like most people today, I have seen the devastation cancer causes. It doesn’t care who it affects, or when it affects them, and I feel so passionate about being able to help people who have been and are going through such a difficult time. From the moment I heard about The Eve Merton Dreams Trust my passion to help has just kept on growing.
Hi, my names Melisa and i’ve been a part of the charity since i was 12, i started by attending the legends games and showing my support by helping wherever i was needed, i then later was a member of the youth group when it was first made and moved on to become an official volunteer when i turned 18. i have always loved being a member of this charity and speak about it any chance i get. Taking part in activities has always felt like a rewarding experience knowing it’s for a good cause and that anything can make a difference in someone’s life is very fulfilling, i’ve most enjoyed modelling to raise funds for the charity. i hope there are many more unique experiences in the future and i’m grateful for everything this charity does.
Hi I’m Chris I’m 38 from Doncaster I am a big football and wrestling fan I have chosen to volunteer at the eve Merton dreams trust as I have seen what they have done for people helping them make dreams come true and if I could help just one person have there dreams come true that would make me so happy in myself.
Hi my name is Liam I’m an 18 years old devoted Chelsea fc fan and I’m in my second year studying sports at college. I choose to volunteer for this fantastic charity because my mums volunteered for them since 2013 and I have consequently been involved in certain things over the years, so I know the importance and benefits it gives to families who need it the most. I enjoy working with the brilliant team whose efforts are there to help others.
I’m sorry after the debunking surgery and tests have been done the brain tumour it’s a grade 4 glioblastoma and it’s terminal. The world just seemed to stop at that moment Jackie took the news unbelievably well her first thoughts were of her kids and all through her battle always were . Jackie had one wish for us to be married. This is where the Evestrust entered our lives. With a huge effort and many last minute changes we had a dream wedding with family and loved ones around us . During the day I had a moment one that will never leave me. I’d been outside for some air when I entered the room nobody noticed and for a brief moment I looked round the room and there where tears everyone was smiling and laughing and I saw Jackie at our table surrounded by loved ones no one was fussing round her or asking if she was ok and in that moment the cancer wasn’t there no pain she was just wearing the most beautiful smile I have seen.
This is when I understood Evestrust saying it’s all about the smiles . Jackie passed away only months later , during her illness we had been happy to share our story with the hope it would help the trust and at that time our little thank you to all the people who were helping making our dream a reality. from the start it was Clynton who we were in contact with, a friendship and a bond was made . After the dream we stayed in contact he call or pop and visit up until the very end, he could always make Jackie smile and cheer her up and was often a real comfort for me, I could have a chat and be myself which is difficult when caring for someone as you are careful not to let your guard down for fear of worrying those closest to you, when they should be making the time left with Jackie. It meant so much to the family and myself when Clynton came to the funeral. my personal journey with the trust starts from this point. I always said I’d be happy to the trust in any way I could whether fund raising , spreading awareness or just helping moving stuff to events etc.
I wanted to let them all know I appreciated what they had done. I was given the opportunity and even now it always feels such a privilege to be even the smallest part of anything they are doing. aidy crewe my bro and best man was keen to help too, we did discos put sound and lighting at events and loved being apart of it, and seeing what it meant to people it’s heartwarming. I have drove a support van during marathon madness I didn’t think I was doing much but meant a lot to the team I’d given a bit of my time , I jumped out a plane to raise a few bob, rowed in the dragon boat race , helped out where I could at legends game I’ve even just took bits to tip to help out my favourite is being apart of a presentation to one call who helped out a lot for our dream the guys knew I wanted to somehow show my appreciation for the part they played and they made it possible for me it was so nice to present a bouquet of flowers and in person just say a simple thank you. what means the though by a long way is during all this I’ve got to meet all the team and becoming friends with them all, the trust is so much more than a group of people helping others and who often put their own personal lives and time to one side, they are a family one I’m massively proud to be apart of. getting to know them away from the trust as a part of their daily lives , birthdays and celebrations the pop in say hi and a brew or just a chat has been a sometimes much needed lift and source of strength. The support through a couple rough spots I’ve had has been amazing .being an official volunteer is my way of showing my commitment to not only a wonderful charity but also in my own way of saying thank you to the beautiful people who run it, and it’s also a way to thank everyone who raises funds, awareness, donates and supports the charity without it Jackie and I wouldn’t have had our dream wedding.
Upon entering the pageant circuit, I found myself having a number of charities thrust upon me. This has always been something I have been wary of as you never know where your hard earned money or the funds you have raised are going. I also feel that other charities have a habit of forgetting people as they are run on a large and national scale.
After learning about the Eve Merton Dreams Trust, a Doncaster based charity for Doncaster based people and what it does for said people, I immediately wanted to get on board. It is a truly amazing non-profit organisation run by volunteers, that uses all funds raised to make the dreams of individuals come true. From weddings to theatre trips these incredible people work hard to make wishes happen, for the people who need them and I am honoured and proud to be part of the EvesTrust family.
My name is Kevin , married to Sarah who is a Trustee and together we have 2 amazing grown up children, Liam and Emma.
In 2013 my wife was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast Cancer and at the end of her treatment she was lucky enough to have her dream granted by the trust, it was the first time in almost 2 years that I had really seen her smile and I knew that despite everything she had gone through my wife was back.
Seeing the buzz Sarah gets from being around the team and the just and the sense of achievement she gets from working with the people of Doncaster has rubbed off on me, so I am excited to come on aboard as a volunteer and look forward to helping out wherever I can.
My name is Kayleigh I am happily married with 3 children a beautiful little girl Ava and two young boisterous boys Jack and Harry.
I started my career nursing at Doncaster Royal infirmary in 2011 and continued working in haematology until 2019 and now more recently have moved to a Practice Nurse role in a GP practice.
I can honestly say I am proud to be a nurse and feel honoured to do a job I love so much.
I first heard about Eves Trust when they completed a dream request for a family on my ward while I was on shift “Jodie’s Dream” Having nursed this patient and spent time with her family I was so touched by the Charity and the happiness it brought to this family when things were so bad.
I was then contacted by Claire to help arrange a meeting for the iPad set up scheme “The dream that keeps on giving” it was then that I took on the role of acting link for the trust I initiated the iPads on our ward and still continue to monitor them throughout. Seeing first-hand the effects of cancer treatments is heart breaking for not only the patient but their family. Being a mother myself makes me realise even more so how precious every minute is with those you love. Cancer Treatments often results in life threatening infections resulting in isolation and restrictions on visiting and family contact, so it was refreshing to be able to offer patients this service to FaceTime / Skype their loved ones, shop online, keep In touch on social media sites or just occupy their long days browsing the internet.
Often as a nurse I find I want to offer my patients the world to make them feel better however I’m only too aware of the limitations in my nursing role to do this.
Working alongside Eve Merton Dreams trust I am given the opportunity to help give cancer patients that little bit extra to make them smile or leave them with a nice memory that often feels so distant for them during treatment. It is an honour to work alongside the members of this trust and I’m still in awe of the hard work they put in and the happiness they bring so selflessly to much family’s when cancer has destroyed the only happiness they know.
Evestrust is more than just a charity it’s a Family and more recently I have been able to pull in my family, my daughter Ava has recently helped on the Evestrust Community clean up. She loved every minute of it and went on to tell all her friends and teachers at school about the amazing work the charity does.
I’m Sara, around work I spend my time with my family looking after our many animals. I decided to volunteer for Evestrust after my sister in law Gemma passed away. She had received a dream from the charity and she also volunteered for them too. Cancer had affected my family way before this though having lost two Auntie’s to cancer in my early teens and my Dad and another Auntie also having had cancer but currently both clear and doing well. I saw how much the dream Gemma got meant to her and I love the fact that I can help to pass that joy on to others that are suffering from cancer but also to their families too for lasting memories.
Hi I’m Jamie, I love animals and have rescued many including horses, goats, dogs and a rabbit. Evestrust helped my sister Gemma gain a purpose again after having to leave her dream job due to cancer and also had her dream come true because of them. The charity has gone above and beyond for my family whilst Gemma was with us and even after she had passed away. To be able to give back to the charity that means so much to us as a family is an honour.
Hi my names Demi-mae but everyone calls be Demi. Born in Doncaster and still here now! I love to travel and seeing what the world has to offer.
I’ve grown up learning that there’s more to life than sitting on a Playstation or watching Netflix in my spare time. I can use my time more wisely to help others who need it, especially when time may no longer be on their side.
I am delighted to be joining the team at The Eve Merton Dreams Trust as a volunteer. So now it’s time for me to help do more, I hope I can make an impact on those in need of a dream coming true.
My name is Adele. I am 54, married to Steven and have 3 grown up children and adorable grandchildren.
I am a Deputy store manager at B&M where I work full time so kept Very busy. I love music, watching comedies, spending time socialising with friends, crafting and spending time away in my touring caravan.
My daughter Lauren has volunteered for this wonderful charity for a while now and I thought rather than following the Trust journey I would become part of the family and give my time to something worth while and rewarding. I can’t wait to create dreams for deserving people/families in our area.
Hi, my name is Jamie Kirsopp and I am a relatively new member to the team. I
wanted to get involved since finding out that the people behind the charity are people I was involved with in my younger years. I played football with Martin, the co-founder and his mum and my mum used to watch us play in all weathers and built a friendship. Sadly both are now no longer with us due to this horrible disease so I wanted to get involved and help Martin and his team give something back to the community that are struggling with the same things we had. Since being involved it has given me a new found faith that something good can happen in what can feel such a bleak time. To be part of this light within the darkness is such an honour and I hope to help much more moving forwards.
My name is Clair. I have been involved in Eve Merton trust for nearly two years now. I have helped with the legends games. I mainly help with the youth group which I like to see the youth enjoying themselves and putting the community first. Also seeing a group of people making new friends and new acquaintances. My daughter has social anxiety and is on the spectrum but this group has helped her come out of herself and gain extra friends and extra confidence. She no longer sits with mum. Mum can go and help other people As a volunteer. It has helped her come on in leaps and bounds. I have always been a caring type of person. I’ve worked in the care sector since 1994. Which, yes, I know. It’s a long time but it’s what I love and enjoy helping people. It’s so rewarding! I have seen what difference eve Merton trust has done for people. Which I think is
an amazing charity. Which I’m very proud to be part of.
We are currently recruiting new volunteers to help us cope with the demand for our services in the area. If you have a spare few hours a week or a month and would like to help families in Doncaster who are battling cancer please find out more.