Anybody who has been impacted by Cancer knows one of the hardest things to come to terms with is, what does the future hold, how will my loved one’s cope or how will my family handle my treatment….and that’s before the patient even thinks of themselves.
Amanda Horsman was no different. Being a mother, her first thoughts were of her children as she was coming to terms with her diagnosis, Cancer of the Tonsils. The impact of that treatment would see Amanda forced to have her tonsils out, teeth removed, a feeding drip fitted, CT scans, MRI Scans, 7 weeks of radiation, 4 rounds of chemo, trial drugs (she was the 11th person in the world to have it and the first woman), blood transfusions and Sepsis……..but in her words, “But I’m here, alive”
Below is a brief version Amanda’s story and her Dream:
“When I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer and told it had spread into my lymph nodes, the first thing I thought about was my beautiful children and how they would cope. We protected them for as long as possible until it was time to tell them, my treatment was about to start so it was unavoidable. They were so upset. Naturally we tried to reassure them as best we could that everything was going to be ok.
The journey was quite difficult for us as a family, Holly my youngest stopped kissing me in fear of catching cancer, so I started rubbing noses with her, an Eskimo kiss.
All I wanted to do was spend time with the kids, but I was so poorly throughout my treatment it became impossible to spend quality time with them, BUT, we came through the treatment and I’m a survivor, which I will be always be grateful for.
When we were told The Eve Merton Dreams Trust was going to send us to LEGO Land, I was so excited as I knew the kids would be overwhelmed. They had wanted to go there for many years, but we’ve never been able to take them.
The trust didn’t just send us to LEGO land, they provided accommodation within LEGO land… in the castle, it was amazing!! I’ve never seen anything like it. It was the most amazing experience, but that wasn’t the best thing. By far that was seeing our children laugh again, huge smiles and having fun, that was priceless.
WE THANK EvesTrust from the bottom of our hearts for giving us the opportunity to be a family again.”
If you want to read anymore about Amanda’s story you can ready her blog at
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